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It's never too early to start training your puppy. Our philosophy here at Deer Creek Kennels is, "We train the trainer". Most canines are eager to please and can easily pick up on what is needed from them. The owner(s) on the other hand, are a different story. We are here to help you understand your canines mindset, how to properly communicate with it and how to properly train it.
We encourage the canine/owner team training concept. This includes anyone in the household who will handle the dog. Its important that everyone is on the same sheet of paper and interacts with the canine in the same manner.
Often owners expect training to be as easy as clicking an APP. Only if this were true! It requires a huge investment of time on your part. The "More" you put into it, the "More" you truly get out of it. Canines are like children and crave attention, discipline, structure and direction. When any one or more of these are missing, like a child, they will act out. We're here to help correct and prevent this.
Our goal is to help you better understand how to properly communicate with your canine. We will teach the difference in positive and negative reinforcement and the effect each has on your canine. We help you understand how they read our faces, emotions and modify their behavior based what they see and hear.
One of the training options we offer here at Deer Creek Farm is Board Training. This is recommended for individuals who have limited time in their schedule, live too far away and/or out of state. We will board your canine or new puppy here at Deer Creek Farm during the training process. Course prices include boarding but DO NOT include food. Owner will provide food or it can be purchased through Deer Creek Farm.
Some of the courses we offer:
Level I - III Obedience (L3O)
K9 Snake Avoidance (KSA)
*** L3O is a prerequisite for any of the following courses ***
K9 Patrol Techniques (KPT)***
Tracking & Trailing K9 (TTK)***
Personal Protection K9 (PPK)***
Judicial Protection K9 (JPK)***
Narcotics Detection K9 (NDK)***
Explosive Detection K9 (EDK)***
Site Exploitation K9 (SEK)***
Search & Rescue K9 (SRK)***
Cadaver Detection K9 (CDK)***
Multiple forms of therapy canines***
Cost of course is $150 per session
*Pictured is K9 Kai-Bosh*
Level 1 Training is perfect for puppies and/or first time dog owners. This training can begin as early as eight weeks and/or as soon as canine has all required vaccines. This level of training will include the following:
Level 2 Training will require the completion of Level 1 Training and/or evaluation and approval of your canine to enter class by trainer. This is where the fun begins and you'll enjoy teaching your dog new commands:
Level 3 Training is where it all starts coming together. Upon successful completion, your canine will be able to complete the following:
Working K-9's have a long history of proven effectiveness and have been in use since 600BC, when the Lydian King used them in combat against the invading Cimmerians. Most modern day Working K-9's, whether Military or Law Enforcement, are normally trained in detection work, which can include explosives, firearms, narcotics and even money. They are trained for searching everything from an article of clothing, backpacks or luggage, a vehicle, building and even a large area such as a parking lot or field. They are taught tracking, to include looking for missing or lost children as well as trailing suspects who flee on foot. Some, not all Working K-9's are trained in protective (bite) work. As our world today seems to constantly be in a volatile state, the need for a working K-9 is becoming increasingly popular. Here at Deer Creek Farm, we can train your PPK (Personal Protective K-9) to clear your home and make sure it is free of intruders before you enter or to patrol the perimeter of your property in all types of weather conditions and even watch over your children as they play. Never underestimate the capabilities of a well trained Working K-9. They truly are a force multiplier and can turn the tides in your favor.
*** If you are interested in purchasing a fully trained K9, please contact us ***
Fully trained K-9's can range between $15K - $200K
K-9 Kai-Bosh Working on Patrol Techniques.
Sometimes in training we stumble or lose focus/grasp of what we were taught. Dogs sometimes do the exact same thing. If you are a handler or if you have a dog that is displaying some issues with certain training standards, we can help. We can evaluate the handler and the canine to help identify and correct the issue and get the K-9 team headed back into the right direction. If you or your agency are in need of a Detection (Explosives/Narcotics or Site Exploitation), Protection (Patrol/Bite Work) or a Search (Area Searches/Tracking) K9, please contact us.
*All K9's purchased from Deer Creek Farm, come with an annual K9 Team Tune-Up as long as the K9 is still actively working with the purchasing agency.
K-9 Kai-Bosh's First Flight
K9 Tango-Tilly wearing the GoPro while working the sleeve.
K-9 Star Six Month Old Dutch Shepherd On The Sleeve.
Resting after a full day of training & playing.
K-9 SARGE learning protection work